12/21/2019: Toy for Tots at VietAID Center

Vietnamese American Community of Massachusetts (VACM) and Vietnamese American Initiative for Development (VietAID) will have a Toy for Tots event for families with low income. Details as follows:

Vietnamese American Community of Massachusetts (VACM) and VietAID Toys for Tots

VietAID Center, 42 Charles St, Dorchester, MA @ Great Hall

Saturday, December 21st, 2019

12PM – 1:30PM (toys will be distributed within these hours)

Qualification to Participate:

• Families with income less than $60K a year
• Have children ages from 5-15 years old
• Reside in Massachusetts

If your family meets the qualifications, please contact directly one of the two people below
by Thursday December 19th, 2019:

• Thuy-Lieu Vu:
mobile: 617-840-0129,
email: livingaspiration@gmail.com

• Nhi Le:
mobile: 617-276-7970,
email: giomuonphuong@outlook.com