VietAID Youth Programs provide academic and enrichment activities for first through eighth graders and leadership development, college access/career exploration and employment opportunities for high school youth.
For high school youth, we have a number of opportunities during the academic year and summer:
Volunteering: High school youth can volunteer at least twice a week with our After School Program providing academic support to 1st-8th graders and assisting during enrichment activities. Our After School Program runs from October through May.
College Access/Career Exploration Programming: High school youth looking for college support can reach out for college advising which includes workshops on the college application process, financial literacy, and college experiences. Youth will have support throughout their college application and preparation. In addition to college access, youth also have access to career workshops focusing on local businesses and professionals in hopes to support youth in dreaming of different future possibilities.
Employment and volunteering opportunities during the summer:Youth are employed to be either Teaching Assistants or Assistant Counselors in our Summer Program. Teaching assistants support with academic enrichment, co/lead-design lessons/activities, and provide one-on-one support to youth program participants. Assistant Counselors support enrichment activities, co/lead activities, etc. Volunteering via “Leaders in Training” program: High school can sign up to volunteer with our summer youth program through different projects and help summer programming be enriching to everyone in our community.
For more information about any of our programs, contact youthprogram@vietaid.org.