
Our Community of Fields Corner

Civic Engagement Initiative

VietAID has collaborated with the Vietnamese American Civic Association (VACA) to recruit and train more than 40 volunteers to register and mobilize Vietnamese voters. Of these, 22 were youth volunteers who also received training in leadership, voters’ rights, and outreach strategies. Staff, volunteers and partners registered more than 300 community members to vote, and significantly increased Vietnamese voter turnout.

Community Connection Initiatives

Community Assessment Survey

VietAID recognizes the importance of working collectively with our community’s culturally rich and diverse residents to combat the problems and issues that affect us all. We conducted a Community Assessment Survey in the fall of 2003 to identify key community issues and needs. Over two months, VietAID staff worked with youth and adult volunteers to interview more than 150 area residents from a broad representation of ethnic backgrounds. Our assessment brought out personal stories from Fields Corner residents as well as their thoughts on the most common issues affecting our community. The core issues identified included crime and youth violence and a lack of familiarity among different ethnic groups. VietAID will work with other Fields Corner organizations to do a new community assessment in 2009.

Community Clean-Up and Barbeque Celebration

VietAID has held community clean-ups, followed by celebratory barbeques. These community events have drawn more than 180 volunteers, representing a broad range of our community’s cultural groups, and provided and opportunity to improve our neighborhood and connect with others who care about Fields Corner.


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